Monday, June 13, 2005


I am jus so confused. I have so many things running in my mind and i really dont know what to write right now. Its just that i am always searching for answers to certain questions which keep running in my mind all the time. I am right now in a reliance web world and i can keep my eyes off from the screen of the person sitting in front of me. I dont know why i always had the penchant for observing people. observing them in close quarters trying to understand what thier psyche is. the person sitting in front is watching some photos. some of them happen to be porn. i was thinking whether he really wants to watch porn or jus that these pics came up. I am jus observing his behaviour he is so stiff, acting as if he is doing some important work and in between also lifting his head checking for people coming his way.... he is so scared....


Roshomon said...

You are meant to be a director...Your eye for detail shows it...
Don't worry about the cluster of thoughts, once you start penning them down, your thinking will get clearer...

Tridib said...

I agree with Roshomon. I think the ability to convert this power of observation into creative output is what makes a successful director!